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Orillia Landscapers Build Magnificent Landscape Designs

beige home with trees, bushes and large natural stones

Do you have a landscaping space in your residential home? Do you want to renew or rebuild the whole landscape to complement your current house style? If so, you need to connect with professional Orillia landscapers. You can either connect with an independent landscaper or you can connect with us at Gardens of Prestige Ltd. We have a team of experienced and certified Orillia landscapers which includes designers as well as builders. Here’s how the whole process of landscaping is divided. 


garden drawings

In this initial phase of landscaping, you, the homeowner, will work closely with the landscape designer. The designer is an important part of the Orillia landscapers as they are responsible for ideas, designing, and planning the landscaping work as per your requirements. The designer will understand the purpose of your landscape, the amount of space you have to build a landscape, the different features you want, and the style you want to incorporate. Tech-driven designers like us at Gardens of Prestige Ltd. use computer-aided design and other software tools to make the finest design that fulfills your requirements efficiently. Once you have approved the design, the designer will provide details about the required materials. 


In this phase, the construction of your landscape will begin. If you are working with an independent designer, they will most likely sub out the work to other contractors. However, when you work with the team of Orillia landscapers at Gardens of Prestige Ltd., you get the in-house team of professionals who will build the landscape and bring your vision to reality. The designer works closely with the landscape team to build the plan approved in the above step. Once the construction is done, the team will test the different elements to ensure everything is working as intended. And lastly, they will hand over the newly constructed landscape to you beautifying your property. 

The process might look simple, however, it is complex and needs several elements to work together. Hence, you need to choose the right Orillia landscapers team for the job.

modern home with beautiful manicured yard

You can get in touch with us at Gardens of Prestige Ltd. After building landscapes for more than 30 years, we have the right tools, equipment, and experience to deliver the required results. And we are not shy about including the latest technology in our working process. After all, our main aim is to deliver high-quality and efficient landscaping services to our clients. 

Contact us now to find out more.

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